Comments (only registered users can leave comments)
2023-12-11Ollie Wisher wrote : This page is so awesome! Love seeing stories on elder and young women enjoying their love and relationship.
2023-11-25Shaunda Siddens wrote : Beautifully transcribed! Aromatic, bittersweet and heartfelt. Great work!
2023-11-18Nevada Kudrle wrote : This is one unique love story! Who knew a toilette could set the stage for a passionate romance between two sapphic lovebirds!
2023-11-12Theodora Eickhoff wrote : This content is amazing! So glad to see this beautiful representation of love between two young ladies. Thanks!
2023-11-12Bessie Meyerman wrote : What an amazing story! Its steamy and romantic all at the same time, perfect for a little self-indulgence.
2023-11-10Mariel Erdmun wrote : Love knows no boundaries, even when youre in the loo!
2023-11-05Scottie Mamros wrote : This was such an incredible read. I really enjoyed learning about the relationship between Laura and Channel. Great work!