Comments (only registered users can leave comments)
2024-01-02Ginny Lawrenz wrote : .
Wow this is so inspiring! A great example of how teachers can help the community in more ways than one.
2023-12-22Jacquelyn Grenda wrote : Good for him! Hard work and dedication should be rewarded - sometimes with a little extra bonus!
2023-12-15Inge Foody wrote : Amazing! Education is finally being upvalued and rewarded this way. Good job teacher! :)
2023-12-10Jaunita Galustian wrote : Interesting new development in the field of economics! Wonder what kind of research this teacher has done.
2023-12-02William Spiess wrote : When life throws you pulverizes, make a lesson plan.
2023-11-29Benjamin Capitano wrote : Sounds like an interesting way to make some extra money! Wonder what the kids thought of that!
2023-11-28Yer Hulshoff wrote : What a great way to reward hardworking English schoolteachers! Definitely motivating more people to strive further in their education.
2023-11-07Bonita Stickels wrote : This is an awesome way to pay for the schoolteachers excellent services. Just fantastic!
2023-11-07Loren Forden wrote : Well, I guess we know what to get our school teachers for Christmas this year!