A pal in need is a buddy really
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2023-12-07 Carly Delaney wrote : .
Such a true saying! A friend in need is certainly a treasured friend and a great blessing
2023-12-01 Felicia Zickefoose wrote : A very inspiring phrase. And so true! Friends are so important when times get tough.
2023-11-30 Nadia Mierzejewski wrote : A true friend is one who is always present in times of need - A pal in need is a buddy really.
2023-11-24 Howard Ubence wrote : Such a beautiful proverb! A true friend will always be there when you need them.
2023-11-17 Lavonne Kahill wrote : This is so true! Its great to know that you can have a friend who can be there for you no matter what.
2023-11-08 Meta Mcentegart wrote : This is so true! A good friend is always there for you and will never let you down.
2023-10-25 Venus Vorce wrote : A true friend is hard to find, and infinitely precious. Its great to have ones back and help in times of need.
2023-10-19 Don Snellgrove wrote : Sometimes you dont need people to help you, you just need an understanding friend who will listen.
2023-10-14 Joseph Ny wrote : Such a great saying, a true friend indeed! No wonder its survived centuries!
2023-10-12 Miyoko Mildon wrote : True friends are always there when you need them. A pal in need is a great blessing!
2023-09-24 Shirlee Grantz wrote : Such a true saying! Good friends are always there to support each other in times of need.
2023-09-20 Betty Moretta wrote : Such a true saying! Friends come and go, but a pal in need is a true friend.
2023-08-22 Tawanda Larkan wrote : A true friend is hard to find; one who is always available for help and support. A pal in need is indeed a true buddy.
2023-08-15 Estefana Shelhorse wrote : This saying certainly holds true. Youll never know the importance of a friend until you need one.
2023-08-07 Jude Thornsberry wrote : An amazing quote that holds true in all lifes situations. A true friend is a blessing in disguise.
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